Application Success
Industry: Pulp & Paper
Braided packing life was very short, constantly leaking pulp and black liquor, which would contaminate the agitator gearbox below and even created an environmental and safety concern.The mill couldn’t continually stop production to replace packing to eliminate leaks.
An Inpro/Seal® Air Mizer® shaft seal with adapter plate and lantern ring stuffing box bushing was installed in October 2019. The Inpro/Seal Air Mizer seal is a non-contacting, permanent shaft seal that utilizes a positive air purge on the shaft to eliminate product loss and contamination. The seal was installed with an AM Control Panel with alarm for a fast and efficient air supply setup.
The first seal installation was successful, permanently keeping the pulp and black liquor from leaking. The plant was satisfied with the result and installed two more Air Mizer seals on their two other blow tanks in early 2020.

Maintenance-Free Shaft Sealing
Inpro/Seal Air Mizer shaft seals provide permanent protection against product loss and contamination on industrial process equipment. With a unique, non-wearing design, Air Mizer seals are maintenance-free and constructed to last the lifetime of your equipment.

Ready to Get Started?
Count on us to improve reliability and process efficiency within your facility. Our experienced sales and engineering team can design custom engineered bearing protection or shaft sealing solutions to fit the exact requirements of your equipment and operating environment.